Fine print: I have a love for absurdist humor, irony and the ridiculous. Ya gotta read that post with a bit of sardonic amusement if you want to get my tone...unless you are a committed hyperemotional LWLer or an adolescent gamer committed to the "U Mad?" "No U!" WoW culture. If you're the latter, you're gonna say what you're gonna say anyway. Internet kneejerk boilerplate 101. Same to ya. Neener neener.

It's just a forum, people.
GradyE, wearing a Snapper mask, said:
"Oh sure. It's all fun and games until this happens.

nina said:
"i wish the accusations of not being a member of the community and constant attempts to make people feel like outsiders/unwanted would stop. gV itself was created as a rebuttal to that kind of bullshit. that belongs on slu and sc2, not here."
Cheers, nina. I do like what you have done with the place.

nina said:
"of course people can say what they like, and since that includes myself, my previous post still stands true. imo the petty bullshit belongs on slu and sc2, both places where i was reminded every day that i wasnt wanted, i was an outsider, etc. i want it on record that i find those kinds of opinions to be total bullshit to the point i will watch people flounce before i will even consider sanctioning people merely for being unpopular with the charter members or any other members."
I gave nina's comments "likes" and posted them in the "I like how..." thread. (Yes, I was cutting and pasting again.)

Orfeu said:
"I just wanted to say that I think Nina does a pretty good job of administering this forum.
She invited discussion on the rules.
Discussion was supplied.
I think it speaks well of her character...that she invited discussion from the membership...rather than just summarily handed down diktats from on high.
I dont think participating in a discussion of forum rules is tantamount to tearing the place apart.
Particularly when you are invited to do so by the owner.
I doubt that anyone making a contribution to this ongoing discussion...is gonna get EVERTHING they want from it.
But we are adults...and that is how it goes in adult life.
You cant always get what you want."
Orfeu said:
"I don't wanna come across as all butthurt...because I am included in the Forum Whores....but the only thing we have in common, is a tendency to promiscuously join and participate in several forums, rather than call any single one "Home".
Other than that...we may not agree on...um....anything.
Nearly every forum I ever joined has an initial trial by fire period...where you have to fight a little for your right to breathe the forum air.
gv is no different...after the initial welcome thread....a newbie here might find themselves embroiled in drama...and pronto.
For the record...if I was gonna call any forum "Home"...it would prolly be gv.
Which is much a testament to Nina, and what she is trying to do here...as to the many estimable posters who reside here.
People who think a forum will fall apart if they leave, are a little too up themselves if you ask me."
Lias is nannying me again. It's sweet, 'cuz she knows how much I love it and I know how much she just cannot resist it. ;)
ReplyDeleteThis is what amuses me so much about the internet. The stupid people do not realise how stupid they are demonstrating they are in public.
ReplyDeleteIt worries me a little because they are, in the main, the ones having children and propagating their stupidity. Darwin ddn't get it wrong; what has happened is that the lwl are, with their inclusive attitudes, defying the principle of survival of the fittest by supporting those who should not thrive. If I had my time all over again I would donate sperm anonymously as widely as possible so I could contribute to the improvement of the species without having to put up with the associated inconveniences of mating.
Pep (is just pleased that Lias, Lain and Bunny do not seem enthusiastic about procreation.)
PS On the down side, there is Colleen of course.
U mad Bro ??
ReplyDeleteJust keep at it another 50 or 60 years...I think they are warming up to ya.
Pep , Pep , Pep......shakes head . here you are pontificating about being to sane to be exactly where you ARE AT.
ReplyDeleteI'm positive your children , if you do in fact have children find it utterly impossible to live up to you and your standards. Mostly because you set them, but can not live up to them yourself.
Sit right there with your tea though and carry on , it is in fact annoying BUT always amusing. =) But them again you are aware.
I can see this topic is starting to spread over multiple threads, which I know I was a part of, but I'm fairly satisfied with the discussion at this point and the points that were made, so I do not intend to keep it going any further. I think it's reached a reasonable conclusion. For me anyway. We'll see what time and the forum drama gawds bring us. ;)
The rest is Lias baitin'. Someone else can pick that up and play with her for a while. ;)
ReplyDeleteLias hasn't given up yet. She's quite the tenacious little pitbull. Want to take bets on how long she'll last or how long before I cave?
ReplyDeleteActually, with Mulch prepping for the new Rumble, my little old forum membership drama is gonna be yesterday's news like...yesterday.
Lain actually did say she did not think you were part of the *community* last week. I think in the I see you thread or your Crimes thread. but its very selective over there. LOL
ReplyDeleteI think ninas forum is a huge win, kudos to her.
Yes, yes and thank you. I even reposted her post saying that (spam), but Lias ignored it. Of course. Why skip another opportunity to play, "liar, liar, pants on fire" all over the forum? Chuh!
"I think ninas forum is a huge win, kudos to her."
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's certainly my favorite in terms of format, functionality, software, administration and moderation.
She's got a lot on her plate and a tough road to hoe over there, both in terms of tech and personalities.
I think you also know, colleen, from your own experience and back channels and all that, that at least a couple of the charter members of gV see gV as grounds for a kind of WoW turf-war battle expansion. There's a fair amount of gamer play and posting going on in there.
ReplyDelete=) appears more in need of good shrink and a 55 gallon drum of Thorazine over there tbh.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit , it is more like a feral child the more I think back. There is no reason to attempt to post anything of substance there, all they want it to bang their tin cups on their bars. So many years of internet, butthurt and not really being empowered otherwise brings them to a frenzy.
Outsiders looking in either laugh or cringe and smart ones....walk on by.
LOL. Good old Midge is pickin' up the bait and playing with Lias. God bless 'im.
I'm glad you're doing well and enjoying yourself and feeling free and light and positive, colleen. (Well, that's what I've gotten out of seeing you the last few days anyway) ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd now heeeeeere's Tarzan. AaaaaaAAAaaaaAAAaaah!
Alright, alright!
Here Lias, just for you...
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107382"]And there goes the weak intellect, starting with the pot jabs, and moving on to standard xeroxed bullshit. You're ahead of schedule today. I must be getting to you more than usual.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm bothering you too much I can go back to Warcraft and leave you to wallow in your self-indulgent pity party, because people with nothing better to do feel better when they have dimwitted airbags following them around button masturbating them on the Interwebz.
Good Things.[/quote]
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107456"]1) I am bored, it's Sunday and as usual, I'm weeks ahead on my workload.
2) I don't like you. Never have. Can't say I ever will. You're a pathetic shut-in who stirs 'trouble' to boost your own self-esteem
3) You really are stupid if you think there's a such thing as 'forum domination', and I regret any credit I've previously given you.
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107468"]I just don't care anymore. The ignorance is overwhelming and there's simply not enough intelligence, even with my staggeringly high IQ, to overcome the nonsense. Admittedly if we could shutdown some of the wind tunnel tested hairdo's in this place that are sucking our the smarts, it might be more entertaining.[/quote]
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107551"]Leehere is an outsider, imo. Do what you want with it.[/quote]
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107571"]I don't consider anyone who arrived here simply to stir the shit, and spends their day stirring shit, a member of the community. Regardless of your opinion of it, that makes someone a troll. She's been a troll since her arrival here, and she'll remain a troll until the day she departs.
ReplyDeleteIn her tenure here, she'll invite more trolls, like she has shown to have a brilliant flair for, and she'll poke and prod to fan the flames and watch it burn.
But, I realize that the only person anyone is interested in chastising or flipping shit to is Lias, which is glaringly evident regardless of what else seems to go on. So don't let me interrupt everyone's good time there. Besides, the airhead needs some more attention and I'm busy in Gimp, so you'll have to excuse me for a bit.[/quote]
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107586"]No, no, no. She began her charade here as if she's merely a helpful figure, pointing out outlandish behaviors but really she's very selective about them and rarely even handed in her 'application of the truth'. She invited several goons here for the sole purpose of trolling this board because she thought it would be entertaining, and after several weeks of beating back the retards and the nonsense we were able to establish a norm and stop the onslaught of ridiculous sandbox childishness.
ReplyDeleteI have no problem copping to the shit I bring, but that's not my only purpose here. Unlike Lee, who brings nothing of value, and only comes here to insight drama, always dragging some trashy halfwit behind her for support (or more if she can drag them off the floor of the last place they took a beating at).[/quote]
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107589"]Shaddup you're not allowed an opinion because I rule the Interwebz. Check your email for the memo.[/quote]
ReplyDelete[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107602"]Encyclopedia's are useful too but you don't want to have drinks with them and swap stories.[/quote]
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107616"]Gotta love the way she spams the living hell out of the forum with her 'helpful' posts, which are just regurgitated re-posts of crap she already cried about previously, coupled with more quotes she feels re-enforce her position as Encyclopedia Barbie.[/quote]
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107627"]The difference, my friend, is I don't repost them..... again and again and again. she tends to repost the SAME CONTENT repeatedly. An activity you would be familiar with if you had taken a peek at her posting patterns, especially when she arrived and wasn't getting her way in the community. That was one of her tactics to 'be heard'. Say it over and over until someone has no choice but to pay attention to your bullshit.
Think child screaming and kicking on the floor of the store because they can't have that toy they want. Same mentality.
ETA: I mean, if you look, she has made threads dedicated to filling it with links to shit she already posted, over and over again.[/quote]
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107631"]Anyhow I don't care enough about Lee to keep this up. I have a right to my opinion and if you don't like it that's your perogative. I'm indifferent to your views about my opinions.
What started out as a fun time smacking Colleen and Lee around has become an interference with my Warcraft time, so I'll bid you farewell. There's a batch of noobs in the Arena that need a schooling with my newly geared hunter.
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107637"]I wouldn't consider cataloging endless websites full of gossip and shit a worthwhile skill. But do with it what you will. There's really no comparison between what I spend my life doing and some gossip whore on the Internet.
I'm not angry. There's no anger in any of my posts. It's simply matter of factness. I don't pull punches, use soft gloves, or tell people shit that I don't believe to be true. Colleen decided to step into it with me and she got what she asked for. It's not my fault she's not the brightest light bulb in the batch.
Lee's never been someone I step around, so I'm not sure why you are surprised at any of my behavior given my distaste for stupidity and the overabundance of which has been heaped upon this place recently by Encyclopedia Barbie and the Balloon Brain.[/quote]
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107643"]If there's hard feelings over this thread, they aren't mine. You don't have any sort of lasting effect on me. I know your narscacism prevents you from believing that, but sadly for you that's the case.[/quote]
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107648"]Actually no, I get enough of her bullshit here without having to read all of her blogs and rants. The amount of email I get with links to it provides more than I care to receive of the nonsense in it's entirety.
I didn't know it was your job to come in here and be her protector. As you said, she can handle herself. She dug her grave, she can lay in it.[/quote]
[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107670"]You've made it clear with your posts that this place is merely another one of your pissing grounds that you draw fodder for your other pissing grounds. So there's no need to pretend like you are part of this community, or that you ever were. The endless amount of assholes and trolls you bring over here demonstrate just how little of a shit you give for this community and what a pile of shit you really are.
With that, I'm over it. If you fell off the Planet, it wouldn't phase me.[/quote]
From the "Crimes Against Convention: LeeHere Absent" on gV
Cut-and-paste repost archiving services provided by LeeHere Absent
ReplyDeleteLOL THIS from the girl who called out a whole other forum and rained down shit for months all over gv. But yeah .....lol Lee you damn terrorist!!
ReplyDeleteVisine, eye bleach and artificial tears can be found at your local drugstore.
I'm continually amazed by my own powers.
ReplyDeleteWhere's that kinky bastard, Orf? I feel like asserting my evil powahs on someone and dominating a minion. Rock some worlds. Hang on. That reminds me. Where's Derek? ;)
ReplyDeleteETA: A great quote from Orf.
ReplyDelete[quote="Lias, post: 111559"]If a bunch of people come here and insist that they be distinguished as a separate group, they cannot get all bent out of shape when exactly that occurs.
ReplyDeleteYou can be this uber cool, floating through the metaverse, no forum alliance, drama starting special group if you want to be. I don't see why you get bent out of shape when it is acknowledged.[/quote]
late to the party, but would just like to mention that the multiple times phrases such as "those behaviors belong on SLU and SCMKII" is indicative of being in denial about one's userbase. the attitude is not one of a certain forum but, rather, from individuals within a forum. anytime you have a forum consisting of more than two people you raise the odds of someone adopting that attitude toward another member. attempting to blame an entire forum for the attitude of individuals has more the appearance of vindictive misinformation.
ReplyDeleteI still find it so odd that a small forum of 200 plus members and about 10 post on a reg.
ReplyDeleteIt's almost to the point of inbred ..... rooted and ingrained in the forum nature as deeply as if implanted by heredity . Which I guess it is kind of just like that exactly. Too many years online ....seems to do really strange things to many and then I have to ask myself...how close is what is typed by posters to how they might be offline in their daily lives.
Does any of that make sense or am I lost?
It makes a lot of sense, colleen.
ReplyDeleteLeeHere Absent said...
ReplyDelete[quote="Lain (is Bams), post: 107571"]I don't consider anyone who arrived here simply to stir the shit, and spends their day stirring shit, a member of the community. Regardless of your opinion of it, that makes someone a troll. She's been a troll since her arrival here, and she'll remain a troll until the day she departs.
In her tenure here, she'll invite more trolls, like she has shown to have a brilliant flair for, and she'll poke and prod to fan the flames and watch it burn.
But, I realize that the only person anyone is interested in chastising or flipping shit to is Lias, which is glaringly evident regardless of what else seems to go on. So don't let me interrupt everyone's good time there. Besides, the airhead needs some more attention and I'm busy in Gimp, so you'll have to excuse me for a bit.[/quote]
These sentences continue to astound me each and every time I read them. She called out 2 forums worth of *trolls* in her battle threads over this hacking thing. The crime that never happened because Fester nor eVol were apparently NOT smart enough to carry it out. And I truly not only do NOT believe most of any of the story or that she hacked that forum. If it was hacked the owner would have been aware as well as the hosting company and positive proof would have been produced. But this forum battle spanning 3 forums over almost a year. They are all playing the part they said they *hated* on other forums. Stuck in their vortex.
If gotVirtual was originally created for all those either, bullied or modded off of other SL forums so that they can register there and say and do as they please then in that respect alone gV is a stellar success. So this forum is built entirely on trauma/drama and it will always be a place for vitriol .
I have to laugh and I do, as the self appointed forum queen screams that anonymous posters in pixel avatars .....blah blah blah ad infinitum . Her song remains the same and will continue neverendingly BUT ONLY at everyone else ....it can and must not ever reflect back to her own persona.... her stats are hysterical , little miss narcissist , desperately needs to be top poster , top liked etc so she can add that to her *since 2007* resume. LOL http://winning-teams.com/recognizenarcissist.html should have her avatar posted.
So, Lee....you criminal ! Shame on you for recruiting all those *trolls* to that nice quiet little forum community of old tired and over the hivemind think and just trying to chill and relax ! And then attempting to take over the entire forum with your *troll horde* .
True enough, 23rdDjin.
ReplyDeleteCocoanut Koala said in the "OMFG MR NO MODERATION MODERATED ME!!!!!111111!!!" (rumble) thread...
ReplyDelete"So, that is what I've been thinking this past coupla weeks.
I mean, what's the point if everybody is just going to be snotty or mean or vile all the time? Doesn't make me think the ones who are doing that are better people - yet that seems to be their motivation, to show what better people they are.
So you can call it "underdog" all you like, and that is true, insofar as unfairness goes. I don't care about "underdog" as long as all sides are playing fair.
I call it, liking to meet new people, and wanting all sorts of people. Not serving up new people to meet some people's psychological needs to rant at them, use vile words toward them, or be snotty to them, depending on the personal style of the particular poster doing the ranting/snottying/vile-ing.
I mean, that's just me. Y'all may prefer a more insulated place.
Maybe it's just the nature of an unmoderated forum. It eventually nasties itself down to just a small group, who can bear any nasty they may get from each other."
Ain't group dynamics fascinatin'? ;)
ReplyDeleteLeeHere Absent said...
ReplyDeleteCocoanut Koala said in the "OMFG MR NO MODERATION MODERATED ME!!!!!111111!!!" (rumble) thread...
"So, that is what I've been thinking this past coupla weeks.
I mean, what's the point if everybody is just going to be snotty or mean or vile all the time? Doesn't make me think the ones who are doing that are better people - yet that seems to be their motivation, to show what better people they are.
So you can call it "underdog" all you like, and that is true, insofar as unfairness goes. I don't care about "underdog" as long as all sides are playing fair.
I call it, liking to meet new people, and wanting all sorts of people. Not serving up new people to meet some people's psychological needs to rant at them, use vile words toward them, or be snotty to them, depending on the personal style of the particular poster doing the ranting/snottying/vile-ing.
I mean, that's just me. Y'all may prefer a more insulated place.
Maybe it's just the nature of an unmoderated forum. It eventually nasties itself down to just a small group, who can bear any nasty they may get from each other."
She is right and it seems gV is currently at the stage of eating their own.