So it turns out cottages are controversial.
Pamela Galli posted a thread called "
Devonshire Cottage" in SLU's
New Product Listings section.
Darkley posted the dictionary definition of a cottage.
3. This particular new product listing thread then became a discussion thread and, later, an example for the "
Some Thoughts on SLU's Tone" thread.
4. Apparently
Darkley (others too) was annoyed with
Pamela because of her supportive comments regarding
Ishtara during the recent rape discussion controversy, as well as some that were deemed passive-aggressive and snarky.
Darkley said: "plus you must have missed my subtle snark, Pamela helpfully posted obnoxious dicitionary definitions at me earlier in the week so I was doing the passive aggressive thing"
Pamela said: "As Darkley pointed out, she was not really concerned with misnaming issues (but rather that I replied to her "gofuckyourself" with a definition of "banal") but here are some cottages..."
5. The thread included a discussion of the disparity between the American, British and Canadian views of the meaning of the word "cottage." I myself lived in both Devon and the American Midwest (Kansas City) so I have seen both the small, traditional English cottage and the large lakefront golf community cottage of the upper middle class in middle America. Pamela's cottage looked very much like the latter to me. It reminded me of my parents home in Kansas City, in fact, in a section of a golf community called "the cottages" coincidentally. Pamela's SL build, btw, is charming. I particularly liked the interior. Pictures can be seen in
the OP.
6. Comments were made both in the "
Devonshire Cottage" and the "
Some Thoughts on SLU's Tone" thread that such discussions and drama were not appropriate in the
New Product Listings section where comments ought to be limited to those either in the line of "bought it and loved it" or "this has been copybotted and there is some sort of scam involved so buyer beware."
Darkley has since
promised to
refrain from making
any comments in the
New Product Listings section.
"thats the thing though, they didnt
more people told me off for being rude than told pamela off for her behaviour
I wont post in classifieds again"
"fair enough - i wont do it again
However it doesnt change the fact that someone can quite happily dismiss someones sexual abuse, be completely out of line, obnoxious and dismiisive, and thats just fine, but you dare criticise their profit centre and you are evil - at least i know where i stand"
"thats why ive already said, twice now, i dont do it again
but yes, read through the original nightmare thread and you will see the ZOMG reaction when I dared mention someones store, and on the classified ad being told that I am rude
but its fine, filthy lucre trumps principles"
Pamela then seemed to reiterated her stance that she was
not condoning posts that expressed ignorance or hostility regarding survivors of sexual abuse, but rather that she was supporting the notion that people sometimes feel "run out on a rail" at SLU.
"For those good ppl who think they must have missed where I said I supported sexual abuse: you didn't. I never said anything of the kind.
I am not going to get into some brawl about it now, either. I only feel compelled to post this because it is asserted so often by the "Little Gang" that some might assume it is true."
9. All of which is now left for public debate, discussion, scrutiny and statements of opinion.
Lucifer Baphomet said:
"Oy vey.
Pamela, OK, you didn't say you supported sexual abuse...
What you did do was post your support for Ishtara on his blog and agree with how mean his treatment was on SLU.
Of course the fact being he received that treatment for asserting that men could not be raped, and for denigrating a forum member who was indeed raped as a youth."
Joshua Nightshade said:
"Yes, Pamela, you did.
You posted support for someone who you said was bullied off 'like so many others' without bothering to read the thread he flounced away from SLU from.
You still apparently have not read it, even now, which means that you can't be bothered to correct your stance even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the reason why he had a hard time was because he was dismissive — DIRECTLY, not even in a vague generalising capacity — of victims of sexual assault.
That you still continue to do this and you still continue to ignore that very pertinent detail says to me that victims of sexual assault rank lower in importance to you than someone feeling 'hounded' off of SLU because they posted something that pissed a lot of people off. Whatever that something was.
To which I say: get over it, you childish twit."
Joshua Nightshade said (to Darkley):
"I know how you feel, but to me the difference is that the classified sections of SLU are what Cris leverages to pay for the site. It's not about the person in question, but how griping with someone because they're rightly abhorrent individuals who should preferably piss the fuck off to a troll hole could make people who aren't bad think twice about posting classifieds or ads and thus hurt Cris.
I appreciate that you and most of the site are willing to stand up and not tolerate people who dismiss those sorts of attacks, but even I think there are certain sections of the site where such discussions should be avoided."
10. And lasting epithets like "dogfucking rape apologists".
a small house, usually of only one story.
a small, modest house at a lake, mountain resort, etc., owned or rented as a vacation home.
one of a group of small, separate houses, as for patients at a hospital, guests at a hotel, or students at a boarding school.
— n
1. a small simple house, esp in a rural area
2. ( US ), ( Canadian ) a small house in the country or at a resort, used for holiday purposes
3. ( US ) one of several housing units, as at a hospital, for accommodating people in groups
4. slang a public lavatory
Word Origin & History
late 13c., from O.Fr. cotage , from cote "hut, cottage" + Anglo-Norm. suffix -age (probably denoting "the entire property attached to a cote"). O.Fr. cot is probably from O.N. kot "hut," cognate of O.E. cot, cote "cottage, hut," from P.Gmc. *kut . Meaning "small country residence" (without suggestion of poverty or tenancy) is from 1765. First record of cottage cheese is from 1848. Cottage industry is attested from 1921.